Posted in English, Անգլերեն, նյութեր

English | Classwork

I am going to train as an actor when I leave school.
She is going to meet Jon and Sue at eight o’clock.
I don’t want to go out. I‘ll stay in and read my book.
I can’t get through the Dave. Oh I know, I’ll try calling him on his mobile. “Good idea”.
He will arrive on the 11.15 train from York.

We got married on a warm Saturday in spring. We had a party in the evening. During the party we danced and everyone had a lovely time. At ten o’clock at night we drove to the airport to go on my suprise honeymoon. During the flight my husband told me we were going to Cuba. We landed at four o’clock on Sunday morning. At eight o’clock on Sunday evening the island experienced a terrible hurricane. We flew out on Monday morning after the shortest honeymoon in history!

A. It’s not necessary for you to come, but you are permitted if you want.
B. You don’t have to come, but you can if you want.

A. It’s not a good idea to stay up so late.
B. You shouldn’t stay up so late.

A. I’m sorry, but you are not permitted to see the manager.
B. I’m sorry, but you can’t see the manager.

A. You are not permitted to tell her.
B. You mustn’t tell her.

A. It is necessary for you to stop smoking immediately, Mr Smith.
B. You must stop smoking immediately, Mr Smith.

A. My wife says it is necessary for me to be home by 8:00 p.m.
B. I have to be home by 8:00 p.m.


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