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Why Direct Democracy is Rather a Fake Category than a Humane Ideology.

We all know what’s democracy, but do we? This ideology that became a way to rate and label countries, civilizations and societies and the liberties they can offer only in the last century, derives from Greek words “demos” (people) and “kratos” (power). So, the famous American political slogan “government of the people, by the people, for the people” is what mainstream democracy preaches and demands from the governing bodies, international organizations, etc.

That could’ve been one of the best ideologies to regulate the world population, only if it wasn’t a hoax. You need to have enough analytical education, political knowledge, vision for your own and your state’s future and many other skills, to make a proper decision. It’s quite obvious, that only small percentage of people will be able to make wise decisions in this case, but that’s not a democracy, a real one, right? Don’t get me wrong, this UN-ish era that began to rise in the West during the last years of third decade of 20th century and outruled our then existing political systems in the same centuries final years, gave us a lot of opportunities to have way more transparent and represented governments and civic rights, it built bridges and drew equality lines for workers and rulers. Still, this are what we call civic liberties, they simply can’t rule your country. Letting people “choose” who they want to rule their country and how they’d rather that ruled is actually washing your hands from country’s affairs. Now you might think “Then how do so many developed countries live with democratic values and regimes”. Well, the US for instance, is a political clockwork ought to do anything needed for their giant interests, and random American guy’s vote for Hillary or Biden can change nothing, as long as Trump’s agenda is the chosen one by their political tanks and masterminds for their own prosperity. This last pandemic once again came to show that in many cases democracies are the first regimes to restrain people from practicing their basic rights in sake of country’s obligations to conventions, their allies, contracts etc.

To sum this all up, liberties and human rights aren’t always connected to the ideology of democracy, moreover the latter’s sacred name can be misused by power centers to threaten smaller states and entities, start wars or blockade them from international platforms. Non-stabile constructs, like society is, won’t be able to make real decisions as long as mass media is controlled by few corporations with their own interests, which concern only their income. If you get your information and education by governing powers’ opinion making tubes, your conclusions aren’t really yours, hence direct cannot be implemented at least in our dimensions.

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