Posted in English, Անգլերեն, նյութեր


If I stay some more days in your town, I will call on you and we will have a good talk.

He will go to the public library very often when he is a student.

As soon as I return from School, I will ring you up.

You will pass many towns and villages on your way before you arrive in Moscow.

I will stay home till she comes.

Then we will go to theatre if she brings tickets.

I will go to university after I leave school.

When he returns to St Petersburg, he will call on us.

Posted in English, ես գիտեմ..., Անգլերեն, նյութեր


I am taking my sister to school now.

He is helping his father now.

At the moment they are going to the river for a swim.

She is playing the violin now.

I am trying to read now.

He is going to sleep now.

We are drinking tea now.

I take her to school every day.

He helps his father very often.

They usually go to river for a swim.

She plays violin every day.

I read every day.

He sleeps every night.

We drink tea every morning.

Posted in English, Անգլերեն, նյութեր

English | Classwork

I am going to train as an actor when I leave school.
She is going to meet Jon and Sue at eight o’clock.
I don’t want to go out. I‘ll stay in and read my book.
I can’t get through the Dave. Oh I know, I’ll try calling him on his mobile. “Good idea”.
He will arrive on the 11.15 train from York.

We got married on a warm Saturday in spring. We had a party in the evening. During the party we danced and everyone had a lovely time. At ten o’clock at night we drove to the airport to go on my suprise honeymoon. During the flight my husband told me we were going to Cuba. We landed at four o’clock on Sunday morning. At eight o’clock on Sunday evening the island experienced a terrible hurricane. We flew out on Monday morning after the shortest honeymoon in history!

A. It’s not necessary for you to come, but you are permitted if you want.
B. You don’t have to come, but you can if you want.

A. It’s not a good idea to stay up so late.
B. You shouldn’t stay up so late.

A. I’m sorry, but you are not permitted to see the manager.
B. I’m sorry, but you can’t see the manager.

A. You are not permitted to tell her.
B. You mustn’t tell her.

A. It is necessary for you to stop smoking immediately, Mr Smith.
B. You must stop smoking immediately, Mr Smith.

A. My wife says it is necessary for me to be home by 8:00 p.m.
B. I have to be home by 8:00 p.m.

Posted in English, Պատումներ, Վերլուծություններ, Անգլերեն, Ես կարողանում եմ, նյութեր

Blog as an educational tool

WordPress blog is very important for me. It’s something like a diary. I try to be as active as I can. Yeah, it’s diary, but not too much personal and not only educational. Blog is a platform where I share what I’ve learned, saw and analysed. For me WordPress is more comfortable than Blogspot, but altogether I prefer paper and pen in education. Blog is nice thing, cause you can share your skills, your thinks and lessons. So one day if someone wants to know about me and my skills he can visit my blog. In general I think that computer,blog,programs and paper,pen,books will be in harmony.So we can use both blogs and books and paper.

Posted in English, Պատումներ, Անգլերեն, նյութեր

Armenian traditional folk dances and songs in our school

The most important thing for new generation is self-recognizing, and Armenian dances and music, traditional rituals are our history. Soooo we will know our history: Maybe!!

In our educational complex, every single morning we dance and sing together before classes and that’s the cutest way to have fun and save our national identity at the same time. My favorite dance is “Ishkhanats par” translated as “royal” dance. And favorite ritual is “Jangyulum” literally translated as “Dear Flower” or “Dear Girl”. All this rituals we celebrate in our school. And since last year we have traditional marriagement in our school. For me it’s joyful to dance and sing in school. We have special classes in our school: Singing lessons and Dancing lessons. We have a folk-band in our school and I’m a member of that band. We present folk music with new way. We renew old songs by making them more modern and actual. My school gives us this opportunity to learn Armenian songs and dances and know about its history. We try to develop our culture by sharing our dances and songs all over the world.